Dr Mohammed S. Ismail
Lecturer (Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies)
School of Engineering
University of Hull

Dr Mohammed Ismail is a lecturer in chemical engineering (with a focus on hydrogen and fuel cell technologies) at the University of Hull and a visiting lecturer at the University of Sheffield. He is an expert in multiscale modelling, operation and integration of renewable and/or electrochemical energy units and systems. His PhD study, funded by EPSRC and Shell UK, was on the characterisation and numerical modelling of the porous media used in the clean technology of the polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC). After completing his PhD study, Dr Ismail has worked as a Research Fellow at the University of Leeds and then at the University of Sheffield. Before, joining the University of Hull, he was the Theme Manager of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies at the Translational Energy Research Centre (TERC) which is a national pilot-scale facility, based at the University of Sheffield, working on understanding and demonstrating low-carbon and green energy solutions for affordable and sustainable energy systems. Dr Ismail was responsible for procuring, installing and commissioning of pilot-scale hydrogen technologies including 100 Nm³/h polymer electrolyte membrane electrolyser and 30 kW polymer electrolyte fuel cell.

Equipped with strong expertise in multiscale modelling and experimental characterisation, he has been instrumental in various research projects which involve the use of renewable and/or electrochemical technologies such as fuel cells, solar collectors, batteries and electrolysers. Dr Ismail has, as of January 2023, published more than 50 refereed journal articles (which have so far attracted around 1500 citations with an h-index of 25), two patents and two book chapters. His research is currently centered on innovating new designs and/or materials to boost the efficiency and the cost-effectiveness of the hydrogen consuming (e.g. hydrogen fuel cells) and generating (electrolysers) technologies through numerical modelling and/or experimental means. Dr Ismail has, as a PI or Co-I, successfully secured grants amounting to around £350K over the past five years mainly focusing on non-precious catalysts, novel membrane electrolytes and porous media for PEFCs.